The ArcaSpace rebranding announced yesterday includes a new logo.
The first ARCA logo was created in 1998, while most of the team members were still students at aerospace engineering.

The first ArcaSpace logo, 1998
After the team realized that this first logo was too resembled of the Star Trek TNG badge that was aired on TV at the time, a new logo was adopted in 1999 and from that year until 2010 there was no logo change.

The ArcaSpace logo, 1999-2010
In 2010 we adopted a new, simpler, more modern design for our logo made by a professional branding company. The three stars from the old logo as well as the ARCA text remained, but with a different shape and font.

The ArcaSpace logo, 2010 - 2014
However in 2014, we felt that there was a need for a little more industrial approach in our logo and the font changed once more, remaining the same until yesterday.

The ArcaSpace logo, 2014 - 2024
In 2024 we felt the need for a major overhaul of the ARCA brand including a new logo design.
The 2024 logo retains the structure of the 2014 logo, with the three stars symbol and the “ARCA” word-mark. The stars structure was kept the same, while the word-mark graphics has changed. The most significant difference is the adoption of a solid word-mark structure, while the old structure was visibly stricken by a horizontal line offering the logo a more industrial 80’s look.

The ArcaSpace logo, 2024