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The latest news from ArcaSpace

Jul 10, 20241 min read
Licitație pentru sponsorizarea lansării primei rachete de apărare strategică a României
Ți-ai dorit mereu să fii parte dintr-un proiect cu impact major în istorie? Îți propunem o oportunitate de un asemenea calibru. Devino...

Jul 9, 20242 min read
We are heading for the test of a x100 heavier rocket than the 160mm caliber ones launched last week
Sure, the CER-160TR artillery target rocket launches were spectacular, but the strategic A1A anti-ballistic and hypersonic missile...

Jul 9, 20242 min read
The "hidden" extras behind the CER-160TR rocket launches
Photo: The CER-160TR rocket launch (left), and the A1B anti ballistic and hypersonic missile strategic interceptor (right). On July 3,...

Jul 7, 20241 min read
VIDEO YT SHORTS: CER-160TR Test Firing at Cape Midia Air Force Base #rachetă #rachete #ARCASpace #EcoRocket #CER #CapuMidia

Jul 7, 20241 min read
VIDEO: 160mm caliber target rocket, two launches within two hours, side by side videos
ARCA launched two 160mm caliber artillery target rockets, within two hours, from the same canister, during the military homologation...

Jul 6, 20241 min read
VIDEO: Mission 18, EcoRocket, the most cost effective rocket technology in the world #ARCASpace #EcoRocket #target #artillery #rocket #missile #firing #Launch #CER

Jul 5, 20241 min read
VIDEO: Mission 17, EcoRocket, the most cost effective rocket technology in the world #ARCASpace #EcoRocket #target #artillery #rocket #missile #firing #Launch #CER

Jul 4, 20241 min read
BREAKING NEWS: Two rocket launches in one day
ARCA executed the third launch with the CER-160TR, artillery target rocket. The launch was performed during the military homologation...

Jul 4, 20241 min read
BREAKING NEWS: The 160 caliber artillery target rocket launch
ARCA executed a launch with the CER-160TR, artillery target rocket. The launch was performed during the military homologation process for...

Jun 30, 20242 min read
We fabricate the most cost effective rockets in the world
ARCA designed and is selling through General Astronautics the most cost effective rockets in the world. We sale the 160mm, 500mm and...

Jun 27, 20242 min read
We were asked by military officials to build ballistic missiles. We declined!
Photo: The Multiple Independent Reentry Target Vehicle - MIRTV used for the training of antiballistic forces. ARCA had a series of...

Jun 25, 20242 min read
The best rockets are NOT the ones that are the most technologically advanced, but the ones that are the most cost effective
Foto: a typical rocket engine (left) and an ARCA rocket engine (right). A customer doesn't care if an engine for an orbital rocket has...
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